
Gentoo would like to thank the following companies and organizations who donate various services and equipment to further the development of Gentoo. Without these organizations, Gentoo would not be where it is today.

Specific donations

Gentoo would like to thank the following companies and organizations who have made specific donations to further the development of Gentoo.

Former sponsors

Gentoo would like to extend a special thanks to all of our past sponsors. They are listed on a separate page.

Source and rsync mirrors

Gentoo relies heavily upon a global network of rsync and source mirrors. Without these mirrors, access to new packages, updates to the Portage tree and new releases of Gentoo Linux would be impossible. Some mirrors are provided by individuals, others by companies. You can find a complete listing on our Gentoo mirrors page.

Anonymous sponsors

Several other companies and organizations provide services and assistance to the Gentoo project, but have expressed a desire to remain anonymous. We would like to thank those sponsors for their support of Gentoo.